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[Phoroshop] Tutorial efect text Slick Supernatural

Scris: 10 Oct 2012 20:43
de GTX*/Al3xXx
Sursa: ... xt-effect/
Autor: Collis???
Copyright traducere:

Intro: In this tutorial we’ll be creating a smoky night effect on text to give it an eerie supernatural sort of feel. It’s a good exercise in using the Wave distortion filter…

Introducere: In acest tutorial o sa cream un text effect de noapte fumuriu ca sa dea un simt supranatural straniu. Ii un bun exercitiu de a folosi deformarea in valuri.

Step 1
The first thing we need for our image is a background. We’re going to use a quick star-sky background. There are lots of tutorials around for this effect, and it’s actually a simple two-step process: clouds + noise.
So on a new blank canvas, start by choosing a dark blue color – #18323a – and black and then go to Filter > Render > Clouds.

Pasul 1
Primul lucru de care avem nevoie pentru imaginea noastra este un fundal. O sa folosim un cer instelat creat rapid. Sunt multe tutoriale pentru acest efect, si sunt doar 2 pasi usori : clouds + noise
Deci pe o fila necompletata, incepem prin a alege o culoare inchisa de albastru - #18323a - si negru dupa aceea mergem la Filter > Render > Clouds.


Step 2
Now create a new layer, fill it with black, and go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise and use values roughly as shown below.

Pasul 2
Cream un nou layer, umplem cu negru, si apoi mergem la Filter > Noise > Add Noise si folosim aproximativ valorile aratate mai jos.


Step 3
Now that is way too much noise, so go to Image > Adjustment > Levels (or Ctrl+L) and bring those sliders together until you see most of the ‘stars’ vanish as shown.

Pasul 3
Acum este prea mult noise, asa ca mergem la Image > Adjustment > Levels (sau Ctrl+L) si aducem glisoarele impreuna pana cand vezi ca majoritatea "stelelor" dispar.


Step 4
Now set the stars layer’s blending mode to Screen so that the black vanishes and just the stars remain. It’s still a bit too even though, so add a Layer Mask to the layer, and with a large fat brush just mask out blobs so that it seems a little less even. See the screenshot below to see the layer mask I added…

Pasul 4
Acum setam layerul cu stelele pe blending mode pe Screen asca negrul dispare si doar stelele raman. Is umpic prea desi, deci adaugam un Layer Mask la layer, si cu un brush mare si gras doar mascheaza cateva puncte si se pare ca is mai putine. Uitate la imaginea de dedesupt sa vezi ce layer mask am adaugat...


Step 5
In this step, I added a radial gradient layer going from the white in the center to black at the edges and set the layer to Overlay and 45% Opacity. The effect is just to darken the edges and it’s not an essential step. In any case you should have something like this image shown below.

Pasul 5
In acest pas, am adaugat un radial gradient layer care merge din alb spre centru la negru in margini si setam layer-ul pe Overlay si 45% Opacity. Effecut ii ca sa intunece marginile si nu este un pas esential. In orice caz trebuie sa ai ceva de genu ca in imaginea de dedesupt.


Step 6
Now we add our text. I’ve used a font called Cuez_Ver6 which looks suitably strange. If you go to a free font site and look under sci-fi or the like, you’ll doubtless find something similar. Actually it’s quite unreadable really (especially the r), but who cares, it looks cool!

Pasul 6
Acum adaugam textul. Am folosit un font numit Cuez_ver6 care arata destul de straniu. Daca mergi pe un site cu font gratuit si sa te uiti la sci-fi , o sa gasesti ceva asemanator. Defapt nu se prea poate citi (in special r), dar cui ii pasa, arata misto!


Step 7
Next we’re going to add some layer styles. You can get a sample PSD file at the end of this tutorial, but because we’re switching to a pay system for the samples, I’ll go through the settings in case you don’t want to buy the file.
First I’ve given the text a Color Overlay of straight black (#000000). Then because the basis of this text effect is a creepy light, I added inner glows. First an Inner Glow as shown below, and then an Inner Shadow with color #54a4ff, blend mode Screen, distance 1, size 2, angle -90′, and everything else default.

Pasul 7
Dupa aceea vom adauga niste layer styles. Poti sa iei o mostra fisier PSD la sfarsitul tutorialului, dar pentru ca noi trebuie sa platim sistemul de mostre, am fost prin setari in caz ca nu vrei sa cumperi fisierul.
In primul rand i-am dat textului un Color Overlay de negru inchis (#000000). Apoi pentru ca baza textului este o lumina ciudata, am distantat 1, marimea 2, unghi -90' , si restul este lipsa.


Step 8
Next we use a textured Bevel and Emboss to give the style some unevenness. You can see the Bevel settings below. The Texture I added is just one of the standard ones that comes with Photoshop that looks like bubbles. And I set the Depth to -79.
As you can see below, this makes the inner glow look a lot more uneven.

Pasul 8
In continuare vom folosi Bevel and Emboss texturat sa ii dam stilului ceva neuniformitate. Poti sa vezi setarile Bavel dedesupt. Textura care am adaugato este una standarda care vine cu Photoshop si arata ca niste bule. Si am setat Depth la -79.
Cum poti vedea dedesupt, asta face o lumina interioare sa arate mai accidentat.


Step 9
Finally I added a Drop Shadow and Outer Glow, both set using Screen and the color #008ac5. I used both so that I could make one of them a small glow and one a really spread out glow, so the distances were 10px and 100px.

Pasul 9
In final am adaugat Drop Shadow si Outer Glow, ambele sunt setate folosind Screen si culoarea #008ac5. Le-am folosite pe amandoua si le-am facut o lumina mica si una foarte raspandita, deci distantele is 10px si 100px.


Step 10
Ok, so here’s our text with the Layer Style applied. It’s off to a good start, but you can only do so much with Layer Styles, so now we do some good ol’ manual effects.

Pasul 10
Ok, deci iata texutl nostru cu layer style aplicat. Este un bun inceput, dar poti sa faci multe cu Layer styles, asa ca acum o sa facem niste bune efecte manuale.


Step 11
First of all, duplicate the text, right-click the layer, and remove the layer styles. Then change the color of the text to a fluorescent blue (#5cdbff). Then press the up arrow once to move it one pixel up. This will give a sort of glow effect as shown below.

Pasul 11
Pentru inceput, dubleaza textul, click dreapta pa layer, si sterge layer styles. Apoi schimba culoarea toextului intr-un albastru fluorescent (#5cdbff). Apoi apasa tasta in sus o data ca sa il muti cu un pixel mai in sus. Asta ii va da un fel de stralucire ca si alaturi.


Step 12
Duplicate the text layer with the fluoro blue color. Then go to Filter > Distort > Wave. You can use mostly the default settings, except where it has Scale. I’ve set this to just 10% and 10%. This will distort the text, but only a little bit. If you leave it at 100% the effect is pretty full-on!
(Note: In the image below, I moved the text down so that it would be clear that I was applying the wave filter to it.)

Pasul 12
Dubleaza layer-ul cu textul albastru fluorescent. Apoi mergi la Filter > Distort > Wave. Poti folosi setarile lipsa cu exceptia unde are Scale. Am setat asta 10% si 10%. Asta va deforma texut, dar doar umpic. Daca il lasi la 100% effectul este destul de plin!
(Nota: In imaginea de alaturi, am mutat textul jos si asa il va curata cand am aplicate Wave Filter pe el.)


Step 13
After you have distorted text, go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and use a value of 4px. Then set the Opacity to 20%.
In the screenshot below, I’ve switched off the main text so that you can see the distorted text.

Pasul 13
Dupa ce ai deformat textul, mergi la Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur si foloseste o valuare de 4px. Apoi seteaza Opacity pe 20%
In fotografia de alaturi, am inchis textul principal ca sa poti vedea textul deformat.


Step 14
Now hold down Ctrl and click on that text layer to select it’s pixels and then go to Select > Modify > Contract and use a value of 5px. Then press Shift+Ctrl+I to invert the selection and hit Delete. This should leave a thin wispy looking remnant of your text.
Now switch on the main text layer, and it should look like a tiny bit of smoke coming off the letters.

Pasul 14
Acum tine apast Ctrl si dai click pe text layer sa selectam pixeli lui si mergem la Select > Modify > Contract si foloseste o valoare de 5px. Apoi apasa Shift+Ctrl+I sa inversesi selectia si apasa Delete. Asta ar trebui sa lase niste firicele de fum ramas pe textul tau. Acum activeaza layerul principal, si ar trebuii sa arate ca umpic de fum iesind din litere.


Step 15
Now duplicate that layer and go to Filter > Distort > Wave and distort this copy even more.
Now repeat this step a couple of times and vary what you do with the wave. So you might want to press Randomize sometimes, or sometimes distort the copy a few times. Also I used a mix of blending modes on the different copies of the smoke. Two of them I had no blending mode set, two of them I used Overlay, and for another two I used Hard Light.
Also it’s a good idea to mix up whether they are behind or in front of the text. Remember you want the effect to look like wisps of smoke coming off the letters.

Pasul 15
Acum fa o copie a layeruli si mergi la Filter > Distort > Wave si deformeaza si copia asta inca o data.
Acum repeta pasul asta de cateva ori si variaza in ceea ce faci cu Wave. Sar putea sa vrei sa apesi Randomize cateodata, sau cateodata deformeaza copia de cateva ori. De asemenea am folosit un mix de Blending modes pe differite copii de fum. Pe 2 dintre ele nu am nici un Blending mode setat, pe 2 dintre ele am folosit Overlay, si alte 2 am folosit Hard Light.
De asemena ii o idee buna sa le mixezi chiar daca sunt in fata sau in spatele textului. Tine minte ca vrei effectul ca niste fire de fum iesind din litere.


Step 16
Now that we have our small smoke sorted out, it’s time to add some bigger wisps.
So again duplicate the fluoro blue text layer.

Pasul 16
Acum avem un fum mic sortat, ii tumpul sa adaugam niste fire mai mari.
Si din nou copiaza layerul cu textul albastru fluoroscent.


Step 17
We now apply another Wave distortion, but this time where it has Scale, set the horizontal to 5% and the vertical to 100%. This will make the shapes become very elongated as shown. Once you’ve applied the wave, just repeatedly hit Ctrl+F to keep doing it over and over again until the text has been completely distorted into long wispy shapes.

Pasul 17
Acum vom aplica inca o deformare Wave, dar de data asta unde are Scale, setaza orizontal 2% si vertical pe 100%. Asta va face ca formele sa fie foarte alungite cum ii aratat. O data ce ai aplicat Wave, doar apasa repetat Ctrl+F sa continui sa il faci iar si iar pana cand textul va fi complet deformat in niste forme subtiri alungite.


Step 18
Once you have a good smoky-looking effect, set the layer blending mode to Hard Light and you should have something similar to the image shown below.

Pasul 18
O data ce ai un look de fum effect, seteaza layerul blending mode pe Hard Light si ar trebui sa ai ceva similar cu imaginea de alaturi.


Step 19
Now duplicate that last layer and run a Gaussian Blur by going to Filter > Render > Gaussian Blur with a value of 4px. This will make our layer look a little softer.
After that, get a large soft eraser brush and just brush away some of the bits at the bottom and top so that it fades off as it approaches the edges.
You may also want to repeat these last couple of steps to add more wisps.

Pasul 19
Acum copiaza ultimul layer si ruleazal pe Gaussian Blur mergand la Filter > Render > Gaussian Blur cu o valoare de 4px. Aste va face layerul nostru sa arate umpic mai moale.
Dupa asta, ia o guma de sters mare si moala si doar sterge umpic din parte de jos si de sus asa ca ea se plieste si sa apropie marginile.
Si poate vrei sa repeti asta in cativa pasi sa adaugi mai multe fire.


Step 20
Here I’ve removed the bottom of those wisps and added a few more subtle copies. Also I added some extra type above the main text just to make it look a bit cooler.

Pasul 20
Aici am sters partea de jos a acestor fire si am adugat cateva copii rafinate. De asemenea am adugat un tip suplimentar deasupra textului principala sa arate mai misto.


Step 21
Next I moved one or two of the wispy layers in front of the text so that it looks like the smoke is trailing over the letters. In particular look at the E in super to see what I mean.

Pasul 21
In continoare am mutat una sau doua layere cu fire in fata texutlui si arata ca fumul adulmeca literele. Analizeaza in special cat de super arate E sa vezi ce zic.


Step 22
Finally, to give it a more eerie feel I added a layer above all the others and with a large brush painted some green on top, then set the layer blending mode to Color to make it so that the image is a blue-green coloring. And we’re done! One slick, smoky effect!

Pasul 22
In final, sa ii dam mai mult simt straniu am adaugat un layer deasupra tuturor cu un brush mare pictat cu umpic verde sus, apoi seteaza layerul pe blending mode pe Color sa il facem colorat cu albastru-verde. Si am terminat! Un efect de fum smecher!
